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Free “Introduction to Medicare” Online Seminar

Are you or a friend turning age 65 soon? HICAP (Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program) offers a free online seminar from 11 a.m. – noon on Thursday, May 16; Thursday, June 20; or Thursday, July 18, 2024.
Read for more details on the Resident Portal. Be aware that the seminar is by a government agency, not an insurance company selling products.

SRS reminder: “What to Do” handout available

The SRS handout “What to do when your spouse, partner or parent dies” was updated in January 2024. The handout lists two groups: Group A – Urgent, which need to be done quickly after death and Group B – Less Urgent, which can be done several months later. Please stop by the SRS office if you would like a copy or give SRS a call at 408-239-5253 and we can email it to you.