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Can You Skip Filing a Tax Return for 2023?

A Villager commented, “I don’t have much income. Do I really need to file a tax return for 2023?”

For most people, the need to file a return depends on their gross income. Based on your tax filing status and age, you must file a tax return if your gross income equals or is greater than the amount in the chart below. If your income falls above this range, a return is required even if you are certain there will be no tax due after deductions such as medical expenses, charitable contributions, or home mortgage interest.

For example, if you are filing jointly and both are at least 65, you must file a return if your gross income is $30,700 or more.

Single and under 65$13,850
Single and 65 or older$15,700
Married filing jointly, both spouses under 65$27,700
Married filing jointly, one spouse 65 or older$29,200
Married filing jointly, both spouses 65 or older$30,700

Gross income means all income you received in the form of money, goods, property, and services that is not specifically exempt from tax, including any income from sources outside the United States. Do not include social security benefits unless one-half of your social security ben- efits plus your other gross income and any tax-exempt interest is more than $25,000 ($32,000 if married filing jointly).

As with all tax laws, there are some exceptions to this general rule. For example, if you have $400 or more in self-employment income such as commission income, you must file a return to pay the self-employed social security tax.

Even if you are not required to file it may be to your advantage to file to get a tax refund. For example, if you had tax withheld from your pension, you should file a return to request a refund of the withheld tax. The same is true if you paid estimated tax in 2023 and you do not owe any tax.

What if you are unsure of your need to file a return? Luckily for you, SRS has a free tax prepara- tion service for low-income households. Call the Evergreen Community Center at 408-270-2220 to make an appointment. Your appointment will be on a Friday morning at Foothill Center (February 16 will be at Vineyard) at The Villages. The IRS-trained volunteers will review your information and prepare your returns if they are necessary.

Questions?  Call SRS at 408-239-5253

Note: The Senior Resource Services (SRS) office is currently closed for drop-in assistance. You may still leave messages at 408-239-5253 as we monitor phone messages every day and can still answer questions by phone. Please note that the return phone call will be from a volunteer calling from their home and your phone identification will not read SRS. We can also e-mail handouts. The purpose of SRS is to provide education and general business and financial information. All assistance is free and confidential. You should ask your professional adviser about your individual situation.